德国科莱恩无卤阻燃剂 EXOLIT AP462 多磷酸铵类阻燃剂
德国科莱恩无卤阻燃剂 EXOLIT AP462 多磷酸铵类阻燃剂
德国科莱恩无卤阻燃剂 EXOLIT AP462 多磷酸铵类阻燃剂
德国科莱恩无卤阻燃剂 EXOLIT AP462 多磷酸铵类阻燃剂
德国科莱恩无卤阻燃剂 EXOLIT AP462 多磷酸铵类阻燃剂


发货 上海市宝山区




科莱恩无卤阻燃剂 EXOLIT AP462




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Exolit AP 462阻燃剂


Chem. Group:
Ammonium Polyphosphate
Supply Form: 
white powder
Product-No.: 106961  


Product Description 


Exolit AP 462 is a product based on ammonium polyphosphate. The crystal modification is phase II. It is manufactured from Exolit AP 422 by micro-encapsulation with melamine resin according to Clariant’s own method.
Exolit AP 462 is a fine-particle white powder with very low solubility in water, even at elevated temperatures. It is completely insoluble in organic solvents. The product is non-hygroscopic and non-flammable. Exolit AP 462 differs from Exolit AP 422 in the following properties:
ExolitAP 462是一种细颗粒的白色粉末,即使在高温下,水中的溶解度非常低。
Exolit AP 462 不同于Exolit AP 422
marked reduction in water-soluble constituents水溶性成份显著减少
even lower viscosity in aqueous suspension在水悬浮液里低粘度
lower heat stability in the temperature range > 300 °C,热稳定性低
 improved powder flowability 改进粉末的流动性


Delivery Specification and Technical Data 
Characteristics 特性Unit Target value DS1) TD2) Test method 
Chemical Formula 化学式 [NH4PO3]n
n > 1000  



Phosphorus 磷%(w/w)  29.0 - 31.0  
Photometry after oxidizing dissolution; (11/17)  
Water / Moisture 湿度%(w/w)  max. 1.0  
Thermogravimetry at 130 °C; (11/03)  
Nitrogen 氮%(w/w)  15.0 - 17.0  
Elemental analysis; (11/07)  
Density 密度g/cm3  1.9  
at 25 °C  
Bulk Density 容积密度g/cm3  approx. 0.9  
Viscosity 粘度mPa*s  max. 20  
at 25 °C in 10 % aqueous suspension  
pH Value 酸碱值 6.5 - 8.5  
Potentiometry in 10 % aqueous suspension; (11/12)  
Solubility in Water 水解度%(w/w)  max. 0.04  
Gravimetry after filtration of a 10 % aqueous suspension at 25°C; (11/41)  
Acid Number 酸值mgKOH/g  max. 0.5  
Titration using alkali in 10 % aqueous suspension; (11/11)  
Average Particle Size (D50) 平均粒径μm  approx. 20  
Particle Size Distribution 粒度分布%(w/w)  
Air jet sieving; (11/02)  
>100 μm  max. 0.2  


) Delivery specification: The product is constantly monitored to ensure that it adheres to the specified values. Test methods: Clariant method numbers 11/xx in brackets.
2) Technical data: The technical data are used solely to describe the product and are not subject to regular monitoring.  
Applications 应用

Exolit AP 462 can be used for all applications ammonium polyphosphate is suitable for. In cases where a specific phosphorus content is required to obtain the desired effect, the lower phosphorus content of Exolit AP 462 should be compensated by increasing the amount of product added.
Exolit AP 462
应用于多磷酸铵。 假设,需要到到预期的效果就必须达到磷含量,低磷含量的Exolit AP 462就得增加用量。

Exolit AP 462 can be used advantageously in intumescent coatings where the ammonium polyphosphate is required to have extremely low water solubility and where lower heat stability at temperatures above 300 °C contributes to more rapid foaming of the coating.
Exolit AP 462适用于膨胀型防火涂料,聚磷酸铵有非常低的水溶性和在较低的热稳定性,当温度高于300时有助于更快速发泡。

Intumescent coatings

On account of its low water solubility, Exolit AP 462 is particularly suitable as an ”acid donor” for intumescent coatings. Other essential components of intumescent systems include a binder, a carbon donor (e.g. pentaerythritol) and a blowing agent (e.g. melamine).
因其低水溶性,Exolit AP 462适用于膨胀型防火涂料、粘合剂和发泡剂

On exposure to flame, the intumescent coatings form a carbonaceous foam which effectively shields the underlying material from temperature increases.

Steel structures coated with intumescent paints can meet the requirements of fire resistance classes specified in EN, DIN, BS, ASTM and others.
钢结构建筑物使用膨胀型防火涂料能够满足EN, DIN, BS, ASTM等标准防火的要求。

The application of Exolit AP 462 based intumescent coatings on wood or plastics enables these materials to qualify for Building Material Class B (DIN EN 13501-1).
Exolit AP 462膨胀型防火涂料用于木材或塑料,符合德国建筑B级标准(DIN EN 13501-1)

Exolit AP 462 imparts a good flame-retardant effect to adhesives and sealants when it is incorporated into the base formulation at the rate of 10 - 20 %.
只需添加10 - 20 % Exolit AP 462就可以在粘合剂和密封剂中达到极佳的阻燃效果。

Polyurethane foams

Exolit AP 462 is a suitable non-halogenated flame retardant for polyurethane foams. If handling of Exolit AP 462 as a solid is not possible we recommend the dosage of the flame retardant by preparing an Exolit AP 462/polyol-suspension. Because of the low acid number of Exolit AP 462 it is also possible to incorporate this flame retardant in an Exolit AP 462/isocyanate suspension. To prevent the solid from settling the Exolit AP 462 suspensions should be stirred or circulated by pump.
Exolit AP 462

Other applications

Exolit AP 462 has an excellent flame-retardant effect in cellulose-containing materials such as paper and wood products. With chipboard products the B classification according to DIN EN 13501-1 can be achieved by adding 15 - 20 % Exolit AP 462. Casting resins based on epoxy resins or unsaturated polyester resins achieve the classification UL94-V0 with Exolit AP 462. 
Exolit AP 462具有极佳的阻燃性,同样适用于纸制品和木制品。
B级硬纸板的材料只需添加15 - 20 %就能符合DIN EN 13501-1阻燃效果。
充填树脂(环氧树脂或不饱和聚酯树脂)使用Exolit AP 462同样能符合UL94-V0阻燃效果。


Safety and Handling

For regulatory details such as the classification and labeling as dangerous substances or goods please refer to our corresponding material safety data sheet.

Minimum shelf life is 12 months from the date of shipping when stored according to the said conditions. 






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原产国/地区 德国
型号 科莱恩无卤阻燃剂 EXOLIT AP462
品牌 科莱恩
用途 多磷酸铵类阻燃剂涂料涂料阻燃剂
有效物质含量 99.8
产品规格 科莱恩无卤阻燃剂 EXOLIT AP462
主要用途 合成材料阻燃剂
CAS 科莱恩无卤阻燃剂 EXOLIT AP462
特色服务 提供售前售后技术咨询服务
产品名称 阻燃剂
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